Thursday, June 10, 2010

Crafts are items or objects of art work that was done by hand or
machine. Each region of Indonesia has different characteristics craft. There are various forms and types of craft. Among others, are as follows:

1. Batik
Batik is a picture or decoration on the fabric by using wax. There are two ways of batik-making, namely batik and batik.
a. Batik is batik, which is generated by writing or describe the fabric using canting. Canting in the contents of the candle.
b. Batik Cap is made using a canting seal. Canting the use made of flat copper plates which were prepared following the pattern
2. Weaving
Weaving is a handicraft of materials (fabric) made from yarn (cotton and silk) by putting the input on the warp yarn crosswise. Is the warp threads are stretched. And usually the motive or pattern woven in every area usually takes the motif of nature (flora and fauna) An example is
a. Songket is a type of traditional woven cloth melayu, songket usually woven by hand using gold and silver thread.
b. Ulos is typical hobo-shaped woven scarf symbolizing the bond of affection.
c. Tapis is a weaving of cloth embroidered with gold thread
3. Pottery and Ceramics
Pottery or ceramics are goods or goods made from clay that were burned and coated sheen. Mean radiant sheen mixed with other minerals.
4. Webbing
Plaits are goods or goods made from parts of the long, thin bamboo or pandanus leaves.

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