Monday, September 27, 2010

The Indonesian nation has a wealth of diverse regions of the demographics, one of them is diversity in the work of country music. Are as follows:
  1. Songs of Struggle
  2. Children's songs
  3. Folk music
  4. Keroncong song :Music keroncong first arrived in the archipelago in the 16 year century that were brought by Portuguese sailors in conjunction with a musical instrument guitar. In the 20 year century music began to flourish keroncong in Java, especially in areas of Jakarta, Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java.
  5. Popular songs (POP)
  6. serious music
  7. dangdut


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Society and culture of Bali grown today in the start of the journey of cultural and community behavior at the time of ancient Bali. Ancient times was the Majapahit Bali and the modern. Hindu religious teachings into the pattern of life for the people of Bali so that community life is unique and flexible to address changing times.

The development of Balinese culture and human behavior from ancient to modern Bali has to grow the economy, science and technology are integrated in harmony with the color of the local culture. Balinese culture continues to grow and expand and always reveals a local cultural

To know the Balinese community, the people of Bali bound on aspects of social and cultural life by the people of Bali known as the Tri Hita Karana is the obligation to run a spiritual life (parhyangan) as the Atma (soul), the obligation to maintain residential areas and land (palemahan) , as the antlers (sports), and obligations of community life in a single bond rules (pawongan) as khaya (personnel).

Know Your Elements Bali Cultural Society
  1. LANGUAGE: Bali mostly Indonesian and Balinese languages, most Balinese people are bilingual or even trilingual. English is the language of the third and the main foreign language for the people of Bali who are influenced by the tourism industry needs. Balinese language is divided into two, language is the language of Bali Aga which pronunciation is more coarse, and the language of Bali Majapahit more subtle language pronunciation
  2. KNOWLEDGE: Banjar or could be called a village is a form of social units based on the unity of the region. Social unity is strengthened by the unity of customs and religious ceremonies. Banjar chaired by the claims which served as the concerns of all affairs in the field of social and religious life, but often must also solve problems that include the customary law of the land, and the things that nature of government administration.
  3. TECHNOLOGY: The Balinese have grown to know and irrigation system, water control system that regulates the irrigation system and planting in the rice paddies. And they also are familiar with a set of architecture and building layout of the room that resembles the building of Feng Shui. Architecture is an expression of symbolic communicative and educative. Balinese also has a traditional weapon that is one of the keris. In addition to self-defense, according to the trust when the keris heritage can be soaked in water to heal people affected by venomous animal bites.
  4. LIVELIHOODS: In general, the majority of the people of Bali farming livelihood, amount of rainfall on the plateau which is quite good, especially the cattle and pig farms as an important business in the rural community in Bali, both land and sea fisheries which is a sideline livelihoods, handicraft making handicraft items include wicker , sculpture, fabrics, carvings, coffee factories, cigarette factories, etc. Efforts in this field to provide employment opportunities to residents. Since many tourists who visit Bali then arises the hotel business, travel, crafts shops.
  5. RELIGION: Religion in the embrace by some Balinese are Hindus about 95%, of the total population of Bali, while the remaining five% are adherents of Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Hinduism life goal is to achieve balance and peace of inner and outer life. Hindus believe in one God in Trinity concept, namely the form of Brahmin (the creator), a form of Vishnu (the protector and maintainer) and Shiva form (the vandals). Place of worship on the island of Bali called temples. Places of worship of ancestors called prop. Hindu scriptures are Weda originating from India.
  6. ART: Cultural arts in the island of Bali in three main sections are divided visual arts such as painting, sculpture, architecture, performing arts such as dance, literary arts, performing arts, music, and art audiovisual such as video and film art.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Indonesia is one island nation that has a geographic environment is very complex, consisting of over 17 000 pieces of small islands, which all of each other separated by the straits and vast oceans. This geographical environment will be more complex if we look at the big islands, there is a vast lake, river width, high mountains, dense forests, and so forth.

Geographical environment like that which became one of major factors forming various ethnic, cultural, and language. Even based on this language diversity, anthropologists estimate that in Indonesia there are almost 250 other ethnic groups.

Java tribes are tribes who inhabit the islands of central and eastern Java, as well as the areas referred to Javanese before a change like this now. The area is Banyumas, Kedu, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Madiun, Malang and Kediri, while outside this region is called the coast and the east end. Region which is the center of Javanese culture is the second large area and the former Kingdom of Mataram, the Yogyakarta and Surakarta, who split in 1755. The many areas where the residence of the Javanese people have different variations and differences which are local in some cultural elements such as the difference of various technical terms, language dialects, and others. But do not show large differences, for still showed a single pattern or a system of Javanese culture.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Batik is an extraordinary work of art that produced by the Indonesian people, because of batik as well as the identity of the Indonesian people that have a noble culture.
Before we try to produce a typical Indonesian batik then we have to prepare all that is required to produce batik cloth that looks interesting. For that his way is as follows:
1. Planning a Decorative Motifs: Usually in batik cloth contains three decorative. Ornamentation are the main features, color enhancement, and edge styles. As a beginner you will learn to make batik with extra style motif. To know more about batik motifs can you find pictures on the internet with the keyword "batik design." After that you can then draw batik motifs on a sheet of paper.
2. Preparing Materials: Prepare the material is to be used, among others, white cotton cloth, candles, and clothing dyes. And you also prepare all the salt and soda ash.
3. Preparing tools: These tools should prepare you include, Canting (if in your area then look no tools for batik like bamboo that can be to draw on the fabric or search for another tool that can draw on the fabric)
4. After all is complete then the next step you draw the motif on the fabric, how to move is by using carbon and pencil tracing
5. Then draw the cloth with melted candle wax is the way to the stove first and then draw a pattern using a canting which already contains the liquid wax.
6. The next stage is to give color to the background fabric dye way is to create a solution for the base fabric, choose a color that matches the color of candles on a motive, a cloth dipped in dye solution. Use gloves to protect your hands, then dip a cloth into the bucket that contains a salt solution.
7. Then clean the wax on the fabric's how Heat the water into the saucepan to the boil, add soda ash to the boiling water, dip a cloth from the salt water solution into the boiling water, then rinse until the water is clean.
8. Final stage is drying how is batik cloth that has been rinsed and then in the dry area. drying in the shade so as not to damage the color. Wait after batik cloth dries up, then you will know the outcome. Good luck.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Last days of fasting, the typical scenery seen in Indonesian society. Thousands and even millions of people like in motion by a powerful current that requires them to move back to their hometown. So that the places for port transportation facilities such as stations and airports become crowded terminals.
Return home or her in the Indonesian language by going home to the call is a distinctive and unique. Typical for his home town in Indonesia and there are only rare in the encounter in a country. Unique, because if the review of the sociological side of this event difficult to explain by any theory because of the many things that shall be his irrational.
Some people say that going home is a manifestation of religious zeal. Because in the view point of view of religion that is appropriate return home at the expiration month of fasting which is done by most Muslims in Indonesia. But the fact that the actual teachings of Islam does not teach to return home but recommended that Muslims perform prayers Id and many other recommendations Greetings with neighbors and other Muslims.
Apparently not enough to explain this phenomenon went home with a sociological perspective as well as purely religious. Because there is still another factor called the cultural facts that can be used to read these communal phenomenon.
The underlying reason that the Java community is a term sungkem. Sungkem is a form of obedience and devotion of a child against his parents or the young to the elderly. The existence of this Javanese culture seems to have taken a large enough role to encourage people to return home.
Therefore be understood why millions of people in Indonesia and then forced herself to return home. No matter what the risks and obstacles that occurred. They wanted to make his home town as the right momentum to show its existence in the face of social communities where originated.
In that context, his home town to get the true meaning which is not merely a regular social events. But more than that to save his home town has a deep spiritual meaning that the momentum for self purification and rediscover the existence of individuals who had lost humanity.
In other words return home not only to restore the individual from the city to go home, but at the same time restore the individual to his personal home and the most authentic villages.


4 Theatre Traditional In Indonesia

Friday, September 3, 2010

Diversity can be seen on theater performances spread across the islands of Indonesia, Indonesia is now much in the theater enjoyed by the whole people of Indonesia and also by the community abroad. But from a wide range of theater in Indonesia there are four theaters in a very traditional favorite by the people one of them is as follows:
1. Theatre In Java
Java Island is an island that is important in the development of theater art in Indonesia and has a dense population, type of theater on the island of Java, among others:
a. Puppet theater in the form of a dance drama.
b. Shadow puppet theater in the form of a doll, this staging using flat puppets made of cowhide or goatskin that has been on the chisel.
c. Ketoprak a theater that takes stories from the lives of people around with the elements of an interesting spectacle.
d. Lenong is kind of a regional theater in Indonesia, namely the people of betawi theater. Jakarta Betawi is the story of the past. Usually the story containing comedy.

2. Theatre In Bali

Bali is a small island in an appeal to the island of Java, but the island of Bali will be a lot of performing arts, among others:
a. Dance is a kind of dance drama theater lift and usually talking about folklore.
b. Calonarang is performing magical rituals and have value for society bali
c. Arja is a show that combines elements of drama, dance and music.

3. Theatre In Sumatra

Sumatra is a family of nations wither. Performing arts in sumatra not get out of dancing, singing and music;
a. Bakaba speech is a form of theater that is storytelling. Storytelling with bakaba in doing this chanting accompanied by music. Instrument called the Rebab and similar wind instruments that called Saluang.
b. Randai is in the area of traditional folk theater, this play is basically the story of art in combination with the singing and martial arts movements.

4. Theatre In Kalimantan

Traditional theater is located on Borneo mamanda this theater stories taken from the tale-tale in the old literature. Players are here to give audiences the bias in order to distinguish between good and evil.
READ MORE - 4 Theatre Traditional In Indonesia

5 How to Design A Performing Arts Theatre

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The artwork can be enjoyed if the theater has been expressed in a performance. To express a necessary preparatory work of art theaters with better things. So there are five ways to design a performing arts theater that can be enjoyed by the audience.
1. Cultivate the idea or the idea of designing a theater, you must cultivate the idea first. You can find inspiration for a script though. It can inspire you to meet erg from your parents' fairy tales, stories from the area or can be from nature around you

2. Selecting players for whom you can script. You must be able to find out what stories are you going to show. So you must be careful here in terms of:
a. Manuscript story should have a good message
b. Must match the players abilities
c. Choosing roles that are not difficult in performed.
d. Choosing the appropriate film script with existing facilities and infrastructure

3. Understanding the story script, the result of a good gig if supporters staging understand existing film script

4. Looking for a gig, if you perform a story means you give shape to the script a story that you have created.
5. Designing the artistic layout is divided into three areas:
a. Good scenery or decorations of the story will you show
b. Dressmaking this is important because of the clothing in use by the players know they can in their respective roles of the players.
c. Makeup is useful to know the character of the players.
READ MORE - 5 How to Design A Performing Arts Theatre


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