Sunday, September 5, 2010

Last days of fasting, the typical scenery seen in Indonesian society. Thousands and even millions of people like in motion by a powerful current that requires them to move back to their hometown. So that the places for port transportation facilities such as stations and airports become crowded terminals.
Return home or her in the Indonesian language by going home to the call is a distinctive and unique. Typical for his home town in Indonesia and there are only rare in the encounter in a country. Unique, because if the review of the sociological side of this event difficult to explain by any theory because of the many things that shall be his irrational.
Some people say that going home is a manifestation of religious zeal. Because in the view point of view of religion that is appropriate return home at the expiration month of fasting which is done by most Muslims in Indonesia. But the fact that the actual teachings of Islam does not teach to return home but recommended that Muslims perform prayers Id and many other recommendations Greetings with neighbors and other Muslims.
Apparently not enough to explain this phenomenon went home with a sociological perspective as well as purely religious. Because there is still another factor called the cultural facts that can be used to read these communal phenomenon.
The underlying reason that the Java community is a term sungkem. Sungkem is a form of obedience and devotion of a child against his parents or the young to the elderly. The existence of this Javanese culture seems to have taken a large enough role to encourage people to return home.
Therefore be understood why millions of people in Indonesia and then forced herself to return home. No matter what the risks and obstacles that occurred. They wanted to make his home town as the right momentum to show its existence in the face of social communities where originated.
In that context, his home town to get the true meaning which is not merely a regular social events. But more than that to save his home town has a deep spiritual meaning that the momentum for self purification and rediscover the existence of individuals who had lost humanity.
In other words return home not only to restore the individual from the city to go home, but at the same time restore the individual to his personal home and the most authentic villages.

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