Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Indonesia is one island nation that has a geographic environment is very complex, consisting of over 17 000 pieces of small islands, which all of each other separated by the straits and vast oceans. This geographical environment will be more complex if we look at the big islands, there is a vast lake, river width, high mountains, dense forests, and so forth.

Geographical environment like that which became one of major factors forming various ethnic, cultural, and language. Even based on this language diversity, anthropologists estimate that in Indonesia there are almost 250 other ethnic groups.

Java tribes are tribes who inhabit the islands of central and eastern Java, as well as the areas referred to Javanese before a change like this now. The area is Banyumas, Kedu, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Madiun, Malang and Kediri, while outside this region is called the coast and the east end. Region which is the center of Javanese culture is the second large area and the former Kingdom of Mataram, the Yogyakarta and Surakarta, who split in 1755. The many areas where the residence of the Javanese people have different variations and differences which are local in some cultural elements such as the difference of various technical terms, language dialects, and others. But do not show large differences, for still showed a single pattern or a system of Javanese culture.

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