Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Society and culture of Bali grown today in the start of the journey of cultural and community behavior at the time of ancient Bali. Ancient times was the Majapahit Bali and the modern. Hindu religious teachings into the pattern of life for the people of Bali so that community life is unique and flexible to address changing times.

The development of Balinese culture and human behavior from ancient to modern Bali has to grow the economy, science and technology are integrated in harmony with the color of the local culture. Balinese culture continues to grow and expand and always reveals a local cultural

To know the Balinese community, the people of Bali bound on aspects of social and cultural life by the people of Bali known as the Tri Hita Karana is the obligation to run a spiritual life (parhyangan) as the Atma (soul), the obligation to maintain residential areas and land (palemahan) , as the antlers (sports), and obligations of community life in a single bond rules (pawongan) as khaya (personnel).

Know Your Elements Bali Cultural Society
  1. LANGUAGE: Bali mostly Indonesian and Balinese languages, most Balinese people are bilingual or even trilingual. English is the language of the third and the main foreign language for the people of Bali who are influenced by the tourism industry needs. Balinese language is divided into two, language is the language of Bali Aga which pronunciation is more coarse, and the language of Bali Majapahit more subtle language pronunciation
  2. KNOWLEDGE: Banjar or could be called a village is a form of social units based on the unity of the region. Social unity is strengthened by the unity of customs and religious ceremonies. Banjar chaired by the claims which served as the concerns of all affairs in the field of social and religious life, but often must also solve problems that include the customary law of the land, and the things that nature of government administration.
  3. TECHNOLOGY: The Balinese have grown to know and irrigation system, water control system that regulates the irrigation system and planting in the rice paddies. And they also are familiar with a set of architecture and building layout of the room that resembles the building of Feng Shui. Architecture is an expression of symbolic communicative and educative. Balinese also has a traditional weapon that is one of the keris. In addition to self-defense, according to the trust when the keris heritage can be soaked in water to heal people affected by venomous animal bites.
  4. LIVELIHOODS: In general, the majority of the people of Bali farming livelihood, amount of rainfall on the plateau which is quite good, especially the cattle and pig farms as an important business in the rural community in Bali, both land and sea fisheries which is a sideline livelihoods, handicraft making handicraft items include wicker , sculpture, fabrics, carvings, coffee factories, cigarette factories, etc. Efforts in this field to provide employment opportunities to residents. Since many tourists who visit Bali then arises the hotel business, travel, crafts shops.
  5. RELIGION: Religion in the embrace by some Balinese are Hindus about 95%, of the total population of Bali, while the remaining five% are adherents of Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Hinduism life goal is to achieve balance and peace of inner and outer life. Hindus believe in one God in Trinity concept, namely the form of Brahmin (the creator), a form of Vishnu (the protector and maintainer) and Shiva form (the vandals). Place of worship on the island of Bali called temples. Places of worship of ancestors called prop. Hindu scriptures are Weda originating from India.
  6. ART: Cultural arts in the island of Bali in three main sections are divided visual arts such as painting, sculpture, architecture, performing arts such as dance, literary arts, performing arts, music, and art audiovisual such as video and film art.

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